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Hi there! My name is dubious, or dubi for short.こんにちは! デゥビアスと言いますが、デゥビもいいよ。


I'm a VTuber who is primarily active on Twitch and YouTube; I mainly stream games from the Splatoon series and various RPGs. You can check out both of the noted channels by clicking on the relevant icon or link below:

I currently stream on Thursdays and Saturdays at 23:00 ADT/Fridays and Sundays at 11:00 JST, barring some case where I'm unable to stream at said time. Streams are done simultaneously on Twitch and YouTube, primarily since this makes it easier to archive streams on the latter site. A fairly up-to-date "schedule" (if you want to call it that) is posted on YouTube by using the upcoming streams function (if you would like to be more in the loop on upcoming stream dates and times), as well as occasionally posted on my channel's community tab. On Twitch, the Google Calendar plugin on my "about" section regularly has up-to-date stream schedule information.I also try to post a shorter video or stream clip each Wednesday on YouTube; longer video uploads do not have a specified time for when they happen, though such content will typically be posted on a Monday or Friday.A credits page exists here for those interested in such a thing.

Translation & Subs

Occasionally I do fan translations and/or subtitles for things, primarily for song lyrics and music videos. Most of this is Japanese to English, though I've also done simple Korean to English and English to Japanese. While I'm able to speak French, very rarely will any content be translated from it to English (or vice versa) given that most cases are out of the scope of what I usually translate to begin with.All of my translation content is posted to @dubious_subs on Twitter, so as to keep it separate from any shitposting. Video content is also posted to Tumblr.I intend to have all of my currently completed works hosted somewhere, so that they can be easily accessed without having to hunt them down from the various places I have posted them to over the years.As a relevant note: I do not take requests for this type of content, given how sometimes time consuming it can be.


Relevant links for where to find me are here:

(Please note these are only links to sites I use/check with any amount of consistency, so as to not have a plethora of unused account links here.)

Alternatively, you can use the form below to send an email: